
You can leave your comments here about this program:

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  1. Where in metadata are GPS Lat & Long data written, stored? Not showing up in EXIF via photo editing software. These fields need to be read when submitting photos to a global database.

    1. GPS positions are stored in standard EXIF ​​fields.
      If you add a position, don’t forget to save your change.

  2. Thanks to the author.

    This is my favorite app for taking photos with DSLR and recording locations.

    I purchased the PRO version, but unfortunately I can no longer find the app on Google Play Store.

    Thanks again👍👍👍

    1. Because your APP can no longer be found in Google Play Store,

      could you please put the APP on your website?

      Let users who like this APP continue to use and share it.

      Thank you!!

      1. Because Google regularly changes its APIs, old APKs no longer work with the latest versions of Android anyway.
        I’m happy to see that you appreciate my work, but unfortunately the security rules imposed by Google are reinforced with each new version of Android and it becomes too complicated to maintain this kind of application. Believe me, I am truly sorry.

  3. Hi
    I have just installed your program, thank you. I have worked out how to apply the location to a single image, but if I select more than one image in a folder the icon in the bottom right corner of the map disappears. How do I batch locate all the images in a folder when the icon isn’t there?
    Thank you

    1. Normally *arw are supported, but i was not abble to test it.
      If possible, could you send me an *.arw picture at “contact at picageotag dot com” so i can ckeck.
      Thank you

    1. Hello
      Sorry, but I don’t speak Chinese. It’s freeware and I don’t have the money to have it translated either.

      Thanks for using my software.


  4. Hi
    I have just installed PicaGeo Tag having previously tried a number of packaged all with shortcomings of one form or another.
    I have a number of cameras used over time and have both JPG and CR from a wide range of cameras over 20 years.

    Most of the photography where geotagging is used are in remote areas in the UK where geotagging provides a useful record.
    The track log is derived from an Etrex30 gps.

    I have to say PicaGeo Tag is the best geotagging package I have used.
    Its easy to install, easy to use and allows for fine tuning position.

    However I have experienced a small problem
    On the image tab if i double click on the image thumbnail the picture appears in black and white.
    This happens on Canon Raw CR2 files.
    JPG are ok.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Hi
      I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong.
      If it is possible for you, send me one of your images to “contact at” so that I can test.

  5. A great piece of software. Exactly what I need to geotag my pictures. Finally raw images can be processed as well.
    But sometimes my GPS track is too short or has some dropouts.
    It would be nice if there was a function to copy the GPS position and height of one image to several others.
    Or to manually edit the GPS position and altitude of multiple images at the same time.
    Thank you very much.

  6. Can anyone please suggest how the ‘Tries to get a title for this picture’ is designed to work? I select it but nothing happens. (Probably me!)


    1. Hello

      We use a reverse geocoding service to obtain an approximate address from GPS coordinates. This address is used as the title.

      Unfortunately, the service address has been changed and this results in an HTTP 301 error.

      We will fix this issue in the next version of the app.

      Thanks for reporting this issue.


  7. Hello
    It’s the first time I use PicaGeoTag and I think this software is great
    thanks for your creation

    It is suggested to have the function of adding gps data to .xmp

    Because I found that sony’s ARW files are processed by PicaGeoTag
    Sony’s original software Imaging Edge Desktop will not be able to open the ARW

    thanks for reading

    1. Hello
      Thank you for using my software.
      Indeed, that would be interesting. I will think about integrating the use of xmp files.

  8. WIBNI:
    Great program! Am replacing Geosetter to this. Some WIBNIs follow.
    1. File Type specification
    It would be better if file type(s) can be specified to load. There is a field currently, but left/kept blank.
    Loading unnecessary files take long time.
    2. Window setting
    The window is full screen when opened. It would be smarter if the program remember the size and
    location when it was closed last time.
    3. Map in local language
    Map language (name of cities, etc) are in English. Local language is more convenient.
    4. Image load speed
    Picture load takes long time especially when they are large files, say RAW, PSD, DNG, etc. The speed
    can be improved dramatically if the program reads only the thumbnail portion of the file.
    5. Bring target location in the map at the center
    Map center is specified as it was closed last time.
    Nicer way is to move to the place specified by new GPX file.

    1. Hello
      Nice to read your comments.
      1) I try to keep the application as simple as possible. This look quite complicated
      2) Agree
      3) I have no control about the way the maps display name ;-((
      4) If thumbnail can be extracted from the metadata, the file is not fully reed.
      5) Agree

      Thanks for using my program.

  9. Hello,

    Really impressed by PicaGeoTag: nice user interface with well chosen and arranged controls, well working maps, support for raw files, etc.
    Just a few suggestions/questions for future versions:
    1. Could be an option added to change picture time by a correction due to camera clock inaccuracy and record it to EXIF tags DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate? It likely requires to split present time correction into two parts (1. time zone+daylight saving, 2. camera correction), but it would be very useful as most cameras without GPS unit have no possibility to regularly correct internal time from internet and exhibit significant deviations in time stamps from real time.
    2. OpenTopoMap is great, likely the best general OSM-based map for outdoor activities, but the maximum zoom in PicaGeoTag seems less than in some other applications (e.g. GPXSee). Could it be improved?
    3. Finally, I prefer to have geoid referenced altitude in both GPX files and photos; it seems to me, that it more useful and more consistent with traditional above-sea levels. The PicaGeoTag can be set, in options, to support this approach. However, when the option to use sea level for recording to pictures is checked, simultaneously with geoid-related altitude, the tag GPSMapDatum is written with value “SEA”.
    I didn’t find elsewhere any mention about the “SEA” value for GPSMapDatum, all files where I found this tag had value WGS-84. Likely, this tag is not used frequently in general. However, I (as a non-expert in land surveying) have understood that Map Datum is related also and maybe preferably to horizontal coordinates. So just a question, is it safe to use the GPSMapDatum tag for defining the altitude reference surface? And, is any application, out of PicaGeoTag, that works with this tag?

    Once more, many thanks for a nice piece of software.

    1. Hello
      Thank you for your kind appreciation.

      1.) This needs to be studied in depth because this is not trivial. For example, there may be optional “OffsetTime” tags that modify the date.

      2.) I tried different values to set the max zoom. The choosen values give the best display i think. However i can increse the max zoom level by one for the topographic map.

      3.) I never found any standard for the GPSMapDatum Tag. It seem that this value may be anything : According to the EXIF standard (see page 76 of the Exif Version 2.32 Standard) it could be “TOKIO” for example.
      Quote : “Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver. If the survey data is restricted to Japan, the value of this tag is ‘TOKYO’ or ‘WGS-84’.”

      I choose to set “SEA” in contrast of “WGS-84” and i don’t know how other tool will use that.

      Thank you again for your nice comments.


    1. Hello

      Although CR3 type files are supported by Exif Tool, a setting in my program was forgotten. This will be fix in the next version. I hope soon.

      Thank you


  10. Hello, I am very hapy with Pica Geotag Software. I wish to suggest a improvement. I would like to use it with others file formats, like .WAV audio or AVI video.

    I don´t know if it is very difficult, but it would be useful and is a rare thing in the market.

    1. Hello
      Thanks for your suggestions.
      Although this is not the primary goal of my application, it could be interesting. To see, however, if this does not make the use less intuitive.

  11. Hello! I am very happy to find this program and its lightweight capabilities to visualize geotaged photos. I would like to know if it is possible to upload your own .kml file to use as a base layer for imagery.

    Even better would be the ability to use this program as a browser extension over google maps.

    What are your thoughts?

  12. Amazing program!
    can it handle Apple’s HEIC format?
    and, I found the program will crashed when the filename is in Chinese.
    thanks and best regards.

  13. Hello, is there a way to preserve the original “date modified” of the file after applying some changes to jpegs?
    If not, it would be a very useful feature for next releases, thanks.

  14. How can I update geo location in batch. It appears I have to select one picture after another. I have like 100 pictures that are close enough the same location.

    Thank you!

    1. To make sure my question is understood. I have a few thousand older JPGs without any geo data. I know roughly, where the picture was taken. I like to select a batch of around 200 JPGs and apply all the same lat/lon to it. I know how to do it for a single JPG, but not for multi selecting 200.
      Thank you!

        1. I’ll bet it’d be easy enough to do with Exiftool; might have to ask there or look for already answered inquiry…

        2. At times, I’ve also wanted to be able to add the same location to a batch of pictures. An excellent alternative to solve this is to use Virtual Tracks. Simply manually add a location to the first picture and manually the the same location to the last picture. Then enable Virtual Tracks and all the other pictures magically get locations between these two points… more than accurate enough for my purpose.

  15. Bonjour – I just found this program via the exiftool website. I may be the only one, but have no internet connection at home (& don’t want), so hoping as long as I have (I tried geosetter but it seems to require an internet connexion).

    The only other option I guess is to bring all the photos along to the cafe on laptop, but prefer my offline home GIS workstation!

    It would be great (and asking too much) to be able to use a local georeferenced image as the map…

    A more linear (pdf?) tutorial would be good – had to go back & forth to make sure I’d seen all the bits.

    Last thing, a typo! .. the Nikon extension .nef in the list is mis-spelled as ‘mef’ on the English page!

    1. The application use internet connection only to get the map tiles. Thes tiles are cached locally so, once you have get them, you car use your computer offline.
      Thanks for pointing the tipo.

    2. Robert again, following up – The program indeed works offline, and I was able to geocode a lot of photos taken in 2019 finally! Although I didn’t have a b/g map, the gpx path showed up so I was able to tell if the locations were good or bad.

      Here are some things I thing would be great to add:
      1. Allow selecting only certain files in the list to have position data added instead of one or all. My .gpx files sometimes have ‘dead areas’ where there was no GPS reception, which shows as a straight line between reception lost and regained, so the ‘position’ interpolated in that time can be quite off. My workaround is to move the files temporarily to another folder, but awkward.
      2. Allow photo file list sorting (time, name, whatever).
      3. Option to keep file date original (can be restored with exiftool of course).
      4. As mentioned yesterday, a local b/g image option (georeferenced image or PDF?) – but I’ll try getting cached versions on my laptop and see if I can transfer to offline workstation…
      5. Possibility to write data to sidecar files instead of image exif (exiftool can do this).

      But as is works great, and I can now do something I couldn’t before!

      I use an Olympus TG-6 & TG-2 as my snapshot cameras which have GPS built in, and just bought an add-on GPS for my Nikon D800. Also recently bought a Panasonic GX80 that has no GPS capability, which got me thinking about the topic and how to extend GPS to my other cameras. I don’t use I-phones etc. and most programs seem to be made for those, so thanks for making this ‘old fashioned’ type of program I can use on a workstation! (I like the more technical procedure since I do computer mapping & a lot of scientific photography) It’s very handy to be able to show photo locations on GIS projects.

      1. Thanks for your suggestions.
        For your dead zones, you can adjust the position once it has been determined.
        Keeping the date of the file seems essential to me and will be done.
        Your other proposals need to be studied.
        If you have an Android phone, you can use my GeoTrack app as a GPS Tracker ( The advantage is that date and time offset can be corrected automatically (

        1. Hi Yves,
          I’m new to the program and I really like it a lot. Great job!
          But I have 2 questions.

          1. I really would like to use the GeoTrack app on Google Play Store, but it seems the app has been removed. Also, when I click on the link you’ve provided, the page can’t be found. Where can I still download the app please?
          2. Is it possible to add another map to the list? I really would like to see the opencyclemap added. Is it possible?

          Many thanks!

          1. Hello
            Sorry, but Geotrack is no more available. Too much trouble with Google ;-(( I will correct the site. Thank you.

            I think opencyclemap could be added. I will study this.



        2. Is there any chance that you could post a direct download link to the .APK file for GeoTrack?

          I have it on my phone, and it is my favorite hiking tracking app. I also use it with PicaGeoTag. I know that it has been removed from the store, and I am deathly afraid that I will lose access to this app if my phone is damaged.

          1. Because Google regularly changes its APIs, old APKs no longer work with the latest versions of Android anyway.
            Believe me, I am truly sorry.

  16. So what about selecting the several files or whole folder to geotag with a single marker ? Is it possible ? In description there is Batch processing…

    1. The simplest is to put all your pictures and gpx/kml files in a single folder tree and load that folder. All pictures and markers will be loaded at once.

      1. I did load a folder with several photos, but how to geotag all of them ? I can not select more, than one file to mark with marker on the map.

  17. Many thanks for providing this software.
    I initially had problems with the gpx file exported by the app “Notify and Fitness” from my Amazfit Bip watch. Although the gpx file works fine in Google Earth, neither it nor the subsequent kml exported from Google Earth would work in PicaGeotag. However, after reprocessing the gpx file as a gpx file through the website GPSVisualizer gpsbabel_convert all was well. On looking at the original gpx file output by “Notify and Fitness” I suspect there is a file formatting error.
    I hope this information may be useful to others having issues with a gpx file.

    1. Hi
      Thanks for the files provided. They are effectively malformed. I updated my application to be less strict with file syntax.
      Your files should now be able to load without any problem.

      1. Many thanks for the modifying your programme so that it could accommodate the ill formed gpx files produced Notify & Fitness.

  18. I am trying your software to geotag many photos from a recent vacation. It seems to work well after selecting a single photo but I cannot find a method to select multiple photos to tag at the same location. Normally, the shift or control keys will allow this, but they do not have any effect, How do I select multiple photos?

  19. Just started using PicaGeoTag (with the GeoTrack app) and like what I see so far. One suggestion. Would be possible to have the option to change or preferably add an extension to the photos placed in the “.originals” backup folder? I like having the saved photos, but would prefer they are not recognized as photos by other apps.

  20. I am trying to set location for jpeg photos without success. I am not using any gps tracks I am simply selecting an image in the images pane and manually selecting a location. The image properties pane correctly shows the chosen lat/long ans enables the save metadata button(s). I press save, its appears to save but no updated image is created. Sometimes, but not always, a copy appears in the “.original” folder. I was quite optimistic when I found this tool, I hope that a resolution to my problem is possible. The title bar includes …. “ExifTool 10.36”, if this refers to the ExifTool by Phil Harvey that is not at version 10.68.

    1. I have try to reproduce your problem without success in the general case.
      The only way i found was to set the picture write only. In that case, PicaGeoTag does not complains at all (even if the image is copied into .original) but the mark remains red.
      Could you check if your pictures can be written.
      Thanks for using my tool.

  21. The program doesn’t let you open CR2 (Canon Raw) files – even though these are supported by ExifTool.

    If I rename an image file, for example Test.CR2 to Test.CR2.JPG, then PicaGeoTag will successfully open the image. The thumbnail for the image is shown (possibly an embedded JPG), and GPS location if present is read from the file.

    Unfortunately I cannot set the GPS location on these raw files. The file is saved and backed-up, however the file is unchanged.

      1. In version 1.3.1 beta I cannot confirm ability to manage NIKON specific raw format NEF – even though this is supported by ExifTool
        Desciption says: ‘Your images must also be saved in a format that accepts meta data. Currently, PicaGeoTag knows how to use the main types of files supporting metadata: jpg , jpeg , jpx , j2c , j2k , jif , jpc , png , tif , tiff, cr2, dng, erf, mef, mrw, orf, pef, raw, crw, rw2, nrw, srw .’
        If I rename an image file, for example Test.NEF to Test.MEF, then PicaGeoTag will successfully open the image. The thumbnail for the image is shown, and GPS location if present is read from the file. I also can adjust geo settings and save the changes, Adjustments get visible after renaming extension MEF to NEF in any other tool (e.g. Nikon View-NX)
        Is there any plan to support NEF (Nikon raw) as well?